Attorneys are Human Too, a Podcast

Episode 22-From the Firehouse to the Statehouse Starring Florida State Representative Joe Casello

Steve Wallace Season 2 Episode 2

Join Host Attorney Steve Wallace and Co-Host Celena Muzic both of The Wallace Law Group, PL as they are joined by Florida State Representative Joe Casello to discuss Florida and local politics, Boston Sports and pop culture.  It is an episode not to be missed.

Steve Wallace:

we have a true privilege. We have representative Joe Casella of wind beach, Florida morning, Joe.

Joe Casello:

Good morning, everyone. How's everyone doing?

Steve Wallace:

We are great. Great.

Celena Muzic:

We're happy to have,

Joe Casello:

good to be here.

Steve Wallace:

Okay. We're going to jump right into it. So I have a tinge of a new England accent, so if you could just let our listeners know, where you grew up and just a little bit about your educational and your professional experience, before you took the foray in the shark infested waters of politics

Celena Muzic:

and how you ended up in Florida. There's always a story behind it. I grew up in a booster, Massachusetts, central, Massachusetts. I joined, I was privileged to be able to join it. Professional fire fighting. In the city and, 30 plus he is, I was a firefighter and it was Massachusetts. So it was quite an experience. It was a great career. And wouldn't buy all too fast, of a product of, a vocational school education. I, It came down with attrition's license. I was electrical contractor, had a small business in three trucks on the road doing residential and light commercial work, align with the firefighting duties after retiring, Previous years. We used to come down here in Florida and vacation golf in the beach, obviously for many years, a lot of my firefighting friends. And, once she, March state, looked at the wife, I said, we've gotta go. And we couldn't call. So we were about a dozen years now. it's, it's been a great double bar.

Steve Wallace:

Excellent. yeah, I did just, as a little aside, I went to college in Brandeis, in Waltham, Massachusetts, which is not that far from Wister. And I saw a bunch of great concerts at the Wooster Centrum. I remember I

Joe Casello:

saw death

Steve Wallace:

leopard and, I saw Rosh. So a lot of good classic rock.

Joe Casello:

I did you say For instance, natural opened up the, the central down here. I saw Frank Sinatra, Kelly, those type of people. That's my crowd.

Steve Wallace:

That's amazing. No, but that's amazing.

Celena Muzic:

We love that stuff.

Steve Wallace:

Holy cow. Oh, wow.

Celena Muzic:

That's amazing.

Joe Casello:


Steve Wallace:

So you spent many years in new England, so obviously. my seminal question and I'm just foraying the, pop culture question. Who is your favorite Boston sports

Joe Casello:

hero? I think my favorite was probably, I've got a couple of them to tell you the truth, because I was so blessed to have so many great, sports teams up there and do some real leaderships on all dorm from the red Sox, distressed, easy to remember that John had we'll check in on the South fix and the Bobby or through the roads. So I grew up all in that era there and is always a treat that they turn on their TV to watch them. Can you keep it classic.

Steve Wallace:

So just to follow up question, then how many tears did you shed when the red Sox won the world series? In 2004,

Joe Casello:

it was the most unbelievable experience. In fact, I had that pitch, my wife got it all framed up for me and all the players. I got a name you up in my office now. It was an unbelievable, they had been following the teams sports for so long and actually see the, to come to work or wishing like that. it was really exciting.

Celena Muzic:

What do you think about all these new young players?

Joe Casello:

I can't keep up with the names on it. It seems like, I'm from old school and, being down here, I probably don't follow them as closely as I did, obviously everyday the paper up here or it's every once in awhile I'll book, pick up a name here or there or see it is.

Steve Wallace:

Okay. Great. So you were

Joe Casello:

tired of the cold.

Steve Wallace:

So you, you and your wife made the big jump to Florida. And so you were retired, but somehow that retirement bug didn't last long. And can you tell us, what happened next? When you, after you moved to flora and you were sick of playing golf all day,

Joe Casello:

I can tell you this. I was always involved in politics and Fe in fact, I ran for the city commission up here in Western mass. I wasn't successful. But I was always politically involved in one form or another. so when we got down here back in 2012 or somewhere around there, Wade beach was supposed to be some really unbelievable times as far as their politics. We've had that we had,

Steve Wallace:

our office is in the city. So we're in tune with, the nuances of that, of the city politics.

Joe Casello:

exactly. So when that happened, I said to the wife, I said, boy, I says, this is going to be at home for him. how many years down the road? I said, we've got to get involved somehow, try to make a difference. She advised me not to. And it was probably put advice, but I didn't hear to it. Like most cops said, we, we ran, it was a very contentious race and it was four of us running for an open seat at the time we or not. And it's well documented. We, we won that election by three boats. Whoa. That's a field goal. we were very successful, on the premium. So in, elections afterwards. I had an opportunity as a city commissioner to work closely with, at that time representative Lori Berman. And we did a lot of


Steve Wallace:

She was on our shoots, been on our show previously. We had her on

Joe Casello:

right. great leader. she's kinda mentored me in a way and it's been real helpful. So we worked very closely together on some of the local issues.

Steve Wallace:

Okay. Can I ask you a question before we dive into how you got into the state house? So you did mention that you, did run for office when you were up in Massachusetts and unfortunately didn't win. What lessons did you learn from that election? And what did you take going forward into your, in your future elections?

Joe Casello:

Never take the public for granted. Okay. I think sometimes that, we, as politicians are being in a political worlds that in a week we take everything for some kinds of great, tip O'Neill, always said he had a great little story that his neighbor let's use. The name is Murray, and he says, Oh, thank you. she says, I didn't vote for you. just throwing the only reason why she says, because you didn't ask. And that is so important. If you're looking for people's trust. You've got to look them and shake hands, look them in the eye and tell them why. Yeah. You got a guy or a woman after she choosed. Now with that being said, this virus, this election cycle is a very different. It's a lot more social media, a lot more males going out, that personal contact that you really need. I think that I connect with, I enjoy that part of it.

Steve Wallace:

You're very personable and I always enjoy, we've met at our Cobra meetings and different events and in Tallahassee. Yeah. I always tell everybody that, the most important thing, Joe is an excellent legislature, but overall, he's a good guy. He's the type of guy you want to go have dinner with, throw the football around where these are real decent guy. And that's really important in policy.

Joe Casello:

Yeah, it really is. And I think that's probably the most important thing in politics is to be liked. Okay. Cause you could have the best policies name, but if people don't like you, for whatever reasons, it's you're not going to be a successful, in this field.

Celena Muzic:

Do you find politics has changed? because of the times. And I don't mean the covert time. just technology wise. Cause now there's more social media platforms. more ways to get your name out there.

Joe Casello:

Oh, most definitely. the, and I think this will change forever now the way we're doing it right now, I think going door to door knocking. Okay. I think that might be a thing of the past in a way that, these plaque, these social media platforms, I'm going to take over that. once again, I liked that connection, that human connection, Steve mentioned the go to the Cobar meetings, Intermingling with the crowds into the, into their clubhouses and such. You get a feel, you get that dialogue, personal dialogue, back and forth to see, so many issues talk about some of the issues or problems that they face. So that's the part that I miss, but yes, it's probably changed forever, I believe. Okay.

Steve Wallace:

my follow up question is you were mentioning that, while you were on the city council of point and beach, you were working with a representative Berman, and then somehow you made a decision to jump to the state rep the state house. And could you elaborate a little bit on that?

Joe Casello:

it was just a natural transition, really. in politics. Okay. it's all about opportunity and timing. It really is. I, I'm not going to run against a, representative Berman or a Senator or a mint, or I think you just, I don't believe you do that, but then there's an opportunity as far as an open sea and you think you can bring to that seat. Some ideas and a better platform. And then I would encourage him to run, but just for the sake of running for an office, I don't have an ego. I, some politicians do quite a few have egos. Okay. And I think maybe that's some of the part that makes the likeability art that you don't really those egos into these gatherings. You just, don't just a regular guy, but. the governance through common sense. I was blessed with cotton and says, I have three younger siblings and they all have their medical doctors PhDs and they hold, doctorate degrees. I'm a product of a vocational high school where I had to think with my mind and use my hands and it's helped me. It really has as far as into DePaul. Wow.

Celena Muzic:

Wow. what advice would you give someone just getting their feet wet in politics?

Joe Casello:

No, I think one of the card is questions that you can ask a potential candidate is to look him or her in the eye and say, why are you running? I'll tell you it's a hard call if you're not prepared or are you really not feeling it from the heart? That's a hard question to ask, why are you running while I want to make, do I want to get rid of world hunger and say climate, the answers, if you could talk passionately and from the heart, why you're running, Why are you doing this? I think you'd come across, more believable and more likable, and probably was successful.

Celena Muzic:

it is politics as see, when I see politics, I watch all these shows. Is it isn't as does it get as dirty and gritty as I imagined.

Joe Casello:

I don't go that way. I never do negative ads, in my, is it's all about looking, I'm joking SLO, and this is what I bring to the table. that I that's how I operate. I don't believe in the mudslinging. it doesn't get you in. Quite frankly, people don't like it. people like all that negativity that goes on, tell him about them. Are you what you're trying to do for them? And I think you'll go a long way.

Celena Muzic:

But how do you handle it when it's going on? And you have no

Joe Casello:

control over it? like I said, really, I have on, it says newer, thick skin and his stuff at this game. and just, you just move on, you don't have to respond to it. listen, it becomes personally evolved by family members and then we'll never talk in something different. But if it's, if you want to name, call, I've made that, have fun with that.

Steve Wallace:

Okay. So I just want to focus a little bit. So I guess let's talk a little bit about your time on the point in beach city council. What was your proudest moment while you were serving on the city council? And what was your biggest challenge when you were on the city council?

Joe Casello:

oxide, it was, there was a few, I wasn't happy the way the, our CRA, was working and, I. We ended up replacing us CRA director, which. Gave our city, a big boost as far as economic development. And, I think that, the, Newtown square project that's currently going on now, I had my hand in that from the County section of it from day one and Navasky prohibition. It's really a great feeling that say, listen, and every, so often you go down and you see your name on these brass grass in your name design and said, Hey, look, that's a joke. Exactly.

Steve Wallace:

Somebody to be proud of, for sure.

Joe Casello:

Nevermind. In five minutes, people, no joke a cell. It was as far as they commissioned a, but it's just gives you a great feeling of self satisfaction.

Steve Wallace:

That's great. Yeah, I've lived in South Florida. I've lived in Palm beach County since 2003 and I've always thought Boynton beach has a lot of great potential. And now finally, in the last couple of years, it's finally starting to move towards its potential. And I thank you for that for your hard work.

Joe Casello:

Thank you. And I will say this, Steve. I think everyone who goes to Tallahassee should, has to go through a mentorship of being on some type of local, commission city commission like that because when you sit at a city commission, there's only four other people, you and four other people, you only need two other people, two other boats to get your idea or project through, the end line. But you go to Tallahassee, there's 120 of us and sit on the house floor and it's, I think it's, I don't want to use the word frustrating. I think it's challenging. And I was fortunate enough to, pass two bills and my freshmen session up there and bring home some appropriation money, which.

Steve Wallace:

you're you're reading my mind. That was my next question is

Joe Casello:

what your

Steve Wallace:

what's your proudest moments have been and your time?

Joe Casello:

Yeah, that was accomplished by, being that guide that you can go into a room and people are not, threatened by a little while and talk across the aisle to my colleagues. And, a coal spotted, my bills helped me get it through. obviously we're in a minority party up there. and it's hard to do even get hearings on something that you feel very passionate about.

Steve Wallace:

Can you elaborate a little bit on the two bills that you've got passing? Congratulations, being a new representative. And being in the minority, that's almost

Joe Casello:


Steve Wallace:

burden. So we'd love to hear about those.

Joe Casello:

Yeah. First of all, I passed, it was called it doesn't sound very, exciting, but it was called ratification in the rules. And what that was is that we had previously passed the bill for our first responders for PD S D. syndromes and this bill needed a financial mechanism to fund that. And, I talked to the CFO, Jimmy Patronis up there and he's, obviously he's the state fire Marshall. And knowing that I was a firefighter. He came to me and asked me if I would sponsor that bill. So I was quite warranted. And are you a freshmen up there? The second bill, we passed this call up peer to peer constantly. And what that is, Not recently now, too. We had a couple of local fire for this. What am I'm going to teach a committed suicide due to so many issues. And, what this allows is it allows there another firefighter, another paramedic to be able to sit there and talk with that individual and, talk through somebody. Some of the demons that they face, we can all discreet medical health, but I can tell you as a psychiatrist or a medical doctor, you don't know what it is to go into a situation, to see some of the things that we do senior and take that home to you, to your family and loved ones. It really eats on you for years and months and really can affect your life. So this bill that we passed allows them to talk to the appearance without any ramifications of book, wrongdoing or achieve for, such like that. It's just one on one. It allows them to hear those issues that they might have.

Steve Wallace:

That's excellent. Thank you so much for that service to our community.

Joe Casello:

Yeah, no, it was great.

Celena Muzic:

that is great. And that. That helps so much because I do, I'm of the belief that our firefighters and officers needs a little bit more help than they're actually getting

Steve Wallace:


Joe Casello:

well. Yeah. And you're absolutely right. Or somebody in the public safety that goes, say, I'm going to go talk to my, a psychologist, a psychiatrist that it doesn't happen in. they have like big egos and that says, are we men? And so as far as.

Steve Wallace:

So there's a kind of a macho type of culture. If you go seek the help you need. And that's one thing. Yeah. We've talked about this on our show before with a variety of different professionals. And so mental health is looked at as somewhat of a stigma, especially in the first responders in our profession and the legal industry and the medical world. yes. Every in every, almost every community. that's one thing that we really appreciate you working to break down that stigma.

Joe Casello:

Yeah, exactly. And that's what it is a stigma. And, I think we need to do more for mental health. I think we still have a long way to go. we just gotta have that conversation about it, openly and moving forward. Absolutely.

Steve Wallace:

Okay. So I guess, God willing, you get reelected, in November, what are your five? I know when you're in the state house, you can file six bills. Is that correct?

Joe Casello:

Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Wallace:

and so what bills, or what kind of issues are you looking to target for the next legislative session,

Joe Casello:

but it's, it's not funny. It's ironic. I brought a bill up to Tallahassee last year and, It was the, I had talked to the property appraiser, Dorothy jacks, about the homesteading, the portability of homesteading at all. And we did all our research on it and we brought it up to Tallahassee last, last session and I was going to file it for a bill. the long and short of it is that, my colleagues from across the aisle, they hijacked that from me and they caught it and now you'll go to see it. I think it is amendment five or something on the,

Steve Wallace:

Oh yes. The increase from 2% to 3%

Joe Casello:

right there. It sounds familiar.

Celena Muzic:

That's what I said, politics. They play dirty,

Joe Casello:

and here's my take on that. it goes back to what we had mentioned earlier about egos. And so I don't have, but it's a good thing for Fullerton. Yeah. So I have no, if you want your name on it and that's fine because. No, it's good for everyone that it's good for everyone. So I'm just happy that it's going to be on the ballot and we're going to, move forward with going back to the original question is that, I don't know, because I think. we've been out now since what hook got last March. Yeah. Forever. We've had all these crisis, as far as this COVID and unemployment. My office has been swamped with that. If you had read some of these emails and text messages, it would bring in part to you as to Maya people, how they're hurt and how they're losing just about everything that their whole life's work. because of this, a system that's been broken from day one, but we haven't had that. We have no talk. We have go the governor, obviously, we shouldn't be up if a special session we're going to be like something like$3.4 billion shot in revenue. Now you ask me what's a unit. How do I know what priorities I can have when I don't even know how much money there is going to be all nearest.

Steve Wallace:

Very good. Very good answer. It makes

Joe Casello:

sense. yeah, and then they project another, almost 2 billion next year. we have something like 4 billion in reserves, but that's not going to cover, the issues that we have. And no one has told me, or even suggested to me how we're going to move forward with this and make it up that loss revenue, moving the state forward. So until we get a real handle on this. I think the number one thing is, where does revenue is going to be paid up as far as the loss and how are we going to fix this unemployment system? They just hired a new guy. One of my colleagues from across the aisle, the Eagle he's taken over the system. we'll see where it goes. I commend them. He reached out to all the, representatives, legislators and ask them for ideas. what they thought they could bring to the table. So that's a good start, but we've got a long ways to go. We get back. I just I'd have to get back up is sooner than later, but does it seem as not going to happen? Yeah.

Celena Muzic:

Is there a plan also? I know there's that moratorium for evictions, but is there a plan for all these people that are not going to be able to pay their rent?

Steve Wallace:

Or their mortgage payments.

Celena Muzic:

Yeah. Their mortgage payments. And, unfortunately they are going to be evicted and we expect a lot of evictions, which in turn in my mind, I think of. New York city in the eighties with a lot of homelessness.

Joe Casello:

Yeah, you're absolutely right. But here's what they're doing right now. They keep kicking the can, they keep extending the date dates, for fictions and shutoffs and sucked and that'll continue to like right after the election. And then we'll see the nitty gritty, What's actually gonna happen cause no one wants to pull the trigger right now. It's that the eviction process, no shutdowns or whatever, before the election. So that's not going to happen before November theory. But after November 3rd, it is probably going to be interesting, on, but a lot of this, is on the shoulders of our federal government. are they going to come back with some more cures money? some mobility money. Are they going to let that money be? The States use it as bail out money that fill the coffers, that there are, a negative. So I don't know. I, I wish I had a direct answer, but I really don't know how this is all gonna play out. Yeah, after the election, that's going to happen before the election, but after the election. So that'd be interesting.

Steve Wallace:

Great. I guess what, Alaska ask you will each ask you one more kind of. Politics related question, and then we're going to go into some fun stuff. That'll pop culture, and then Selena is going to take us on with the lightening round. So my question for you is, and we talked about it. when the episode first started is you are on the ballot in November. And can you tell our listeners why the folks in your district should vote for Joe Casella?

Joe Casello:

They should vote for George to settle is Joel silos. And in the district they want. On, this is not something I just started getting interesting in and it started Steve, better probably than anyone is that there's going to be a Cobra meetings. But the last six, seven years, even when I was a city commissioner, I was the liaison between the city and Colbert to go there, to listen to the issues and then, problems that you know, that I was to communities. Thanks. So I'd been in the communities from day one. I volunteer. Saturdays, feeding South Florida. I, I'm on the board of trustees of the JFK, a hospital. as far as the medical issues, I've been there in the community. I continue to be in the community. My greatest. Pleasure and strengths are constituent work. You know what? Their past billion dollar budgets and policies and laws that you know, people soon get, but when somebody calls your, and is, has an issue and you can resolve it or bring them to some kind of ending. It gives me great pleasure. I met and that's what I sleep on. So there's no one that works hard for his district and joke to sell. And I've been there for many years, not only as a state legislator, but even not when I was the city commissioner of Boynton beach. So I want to continue that. I want to be able to continue that.

Steve Wallace:

just a follow up question to that as we know, Tallahassee is, and especially in the Florida house, it's pretty contentious, but who is your Republican best buddy?

Joe Casello:

I will say this. They're the good people, I have a lot of good buddies up there. I worked closely with the Caruso because his district is in my district, but let me see, let me say this. What happens might take up there in Tallahassee? Is that a lot of them, what happens in Tallahassee? How the Hassey is governed by five individuals, the leadership. Okay. And the. The Republican delegation are you even democratic obligation is what the leaders I'll have to do. You don't get follow the leader up there. Cause if you don't, especially if you're Republican, you got to get a builder. You won't get an appropriations. If you go against these that you meant. So that's the problem. It didn't tell you this. Privately, but, obviously they can't say it publicly. You'll see these bolts that come down and they wrote down party lines. we see it now in a, in the Senate that in Congress right now is because what leadership, the power, that leadership controls. If we could all just do our own thing up here and vote with our hearts, we'd be a much better state. I really do believe that. But you know why I have some good friends up there, connections, how would you want to label it? we talk politics, we talk sports, we talk family, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, the vote, it's going along party lines.

Celena Muzic:

Okay. I want to know Joe, how can the community get to know you? Since you're a very likable guy. How can people reach you? How can they find you on social media? How can they just, if they want to write you a letter, how do people get to know you?

Joe Casello:

I tell you I have a nice website. It's a vote jokes. Hello? yeah. and, Dot com I get my emails. It is the emails, book joke, SLO at AOL. Okay. And, but the website is dot com and it explains, a lot of what I stand for, who am I am. and if you look at the endorsements that I've got will tell you volumes of who I am having not only public safety, because my public safety, I got the, school teachers. I got the business community and I got the environmental community. I'm very proud of those interests that

Steve Wallace:

covers most every interest.

Joe Casello:

Exactly. Exactly. So I'm not one dimensional that's the point I'm trying to bring here. you should not be one dimensional in this business. You've got to be somewhat flexible. an open, everything, that's why God gave you two ears and one mouth. I think the listen twice as much as you talk and it's made me a better issue if you will.

Celena Muzic:

Okay. I'm going to, I'm going to have some pop culture questions.

Joe Casello:

Oh, go ahead.

Celena Muzic:

Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll make it through. Okay. This is, this one is not so much. it's borderline politics. If you can ask our current president, any question, what would you ask?

Joe Casello:

What are you doing by saying, what the hell are you doing? Okay.

Steve Wallace:

I've got an easier question for you than that, but that's a good, that is a good one. that is a. That's episode gold right there. My question is what is your favorite song or songs of all time and why?

Joe Casello:

I think, the eagles' Desperado is properly, but song great song. I was single for a million years before I met, I was lucky to meet my wife. So I could always relate to that sadness and that song, I never got the prettiest girl or anything like that, so I can relate to that. Yeah. I can relate to that.

Steve Wallace:

whenever I see your name or I see you, I'm going to think of that song now, but I love it. I like that. It's at least it's a good song.

Celena Muzic:

I'm going to follow that up with, since he just threw out there. You can go for many years. Who was your celebrity?

Steve Wallace:

Crush? Yeah.

Celena Muzic:

Must have had one of you were single for so many years.

Joe Casello:

Goldie Hawn.

Steve Wallace:

Oh yeah.

Joe Casello:

I thought you, I thought she as a grown up as a young guy and stuff, I thought she was hot.

Steve Wallace:

eighties now and she still looks great.

Joe Casello:


Celena Muzic:

And her daughter is like her twin

Joe Casello:


Steve Wallace:

Okay. So then I'm going to ask another,

Joe Casello:

so what is your favorite movie of all

Steve Wallace:

time and why?

Joe Casello:

Oh, I think, the godfather. Oh, excellent. Okay. Cause the rope in her Italian neighborhood and background, and I can see little bits and pieces of that and not so much the violence part of it, but the family issues that movie brings to. Yeah, I can relate to that. I would say glad father, the woman

Celena Muzic:

for a second, I thought you were going to say overboard with

Joe Casello:


Celena Muzic:

I watched that last night. So it's funny you said that.

Joe Casello:


Celena Muzic:

Okay. I'm going to take us to the lightning round. Don't worry, Joe, it's going to be just a series of questions and it's just this or that. And you tell us what you prefer. Okay. Okay. tacos or

Joe Casello:


Celena Muzic:

Okay. Daiquiris or margaritas. Okay. Coffee or tea.

Joe Casello:

Okay. 30 years of a firehouse coffee.

Celena Muzic:

Okay. So that's like rocket fuel,

Steve Wallace:

right? It's gotta be, yeah.

Celena Muzic:

Okay. Frank Sinatra or Ray Charles.

Joe Casello:

I'm a Sinatra guy. I just, I listened to 100.3, all the old these all the time. That's my radio station. I'm just an old, I'm just an old dog. That's all I am.

Celena Muzic:

Okay. Pants or

Joe Casello:

shorts? Oh, I don't have Paralympian Stony. In fact, if I stood up right now, I'd embarrass, Oh my God.

Steve Wallace:

I love it. I've done that in a while. We have zoom hearings. I'll wear the jacket. I'm time. I have business up top

Joe Casello:

and party download

Celena Muzic:

it's a party below beach or mountains.

Joe Casello:

No, I've been down here. What? Over a dozen years now, I think I've been to the beach. Maybe you can count them on one here. No, probably mountains. Okay. Why

Celena Muzic:

do us northerners do that? We moved to Florida and then we never go to the beach.

Joe Casello:

Yeah know, I'm like, 10 minutes to the ocean down here and at Microsoft, probably about five times. I don't have, I don't have any answer other than me,

Celena Muzic:

but you're wearing shorts. that concludes my lightning round.

Steve Wallace:

I just wanted to add one more, just because of the godfather reference to narrow or Pachino.

Joe Casello:

Oh. Oh, okay, good.

Steve Wallace:

Good. Okay. Then one followup to that as the godfather, do you like Marlon Brando or dinero?

Joe Casello:

I like, I think the narrow, I like my own with the narrow. Yeah. he's just a great actor. Yeah. Okay.

Celena Muzic:

So what about Joe PECI or dining room?

Joe Casello:

Oh, he's a great character player on, yeah, he's the kind of guy who they will just like to whack them. Sometimes yourself.

Celena Muzic:

I grew up watching.

Steve Wallace:

Oh my God. I love all that. I love those movies.

Joe Casello:


Celena Muzic:

Okay. So let me add one more then the godfather or

Joe Casello:

casino the other night. yeah, that was that's another good movie. I'm supposed to stick with the godfather, but I enjoyed watching casino. The other night was on television and I watched it.

Celena Muzic:

I saw that I cried.

Joe Casello:


Steve Wallace:

those are all great. Okay. So how we find you online and, we'd love to promote your promote all your social media and your websites because our, a lot of our listeners are millennials. That's. and so they don't like to turn on the TV or open up the mailbox or anything like that.

Joe Casello:

They like to stay on.

Celena Muzic:

I haven't checked my mail Joe in like about two weeks. I don't, if I didn't get an email, I don't know what's happening.

Joe Casello:

I looked that word up to see what the heck it was all about. I guess I'm a, what am I a baby boomer, right?

Steve Wallace:

You are

Joe Casello:


Steve Wallace:

no. I'm in between both the I'm generation X.

Joe Casello:

So yeah. Or just do some cross checking here. I, visit me on my website. I think that explains that, everything, my issues where I stand on issues, tells a little bit about my family a little bit about my background versus, just give you snippets of it. And it's easy enough to tell it's a joke to If you had personally reach out to me, here's another one vote with Cielo at AOL back.

Steve Wallace:

you can find Joe and Facebook as well.

Joe Casello:

Don't sell on Facebook. I'm all over Facebook. I got my own state representative page and I had my personal page that we have on there. yeah. There's ways to, to see what it's all about. Weigh in. what am I about? I'm not that advanced yet.

Celena Muzic:


Joe Casello:

got to get to there. She's

Steve Wallace:

Salinas, the Instagram master. So

Joe Casello:

honest to God, this is it's funny, but it's sad. I have hired immediate people that had to do the social media stuff, put stuff on are on Facebook and these mass email, email mailings and stuff. I'm learning. I'm learning. I've come a long way. Believe it. But I still have a long ways to help. Watson psycholog three I'll have the, I'll have that Instagram thing. November

Steve Wallace:

is November 3rd is a very important date vote early and often for representative Casella and again, a Selena. Did you want any parting words?

Celena Muzic:

I was just going to speak on the millennials. Millennials are now shifting from Facebook. I want to Facebook to Instagram. That's what we do because millennials don't like to read.

Joe Casello:

Yeah, I have a 20 year old stepdaughter or Trinity. And she's, she says I'm still like, Hey, Oh, think about that. That came with the email right after the dinosaur fast and I'm on it. I'm trying to transition into Gmail email address. Okay. Excellent. Thank you so much representative to

Steve Wallace:

Cielo and we'd love to have you on. God willing after the election, you can give us a preview of the legislative session and we really enjoyed you and

Joe Casello:

good luck. thank you so much. Thanks for having me in your rights, diva, people, whoever you are preferences, this is the election cycle. You need to make it happen. Go out there. for, our favorite candidates, but I look forward to the support and I'll be there out there for you and your community. So thank you so much for that.

Celena Muzic:

Thank you.